Joseph Snow, retiree of our Federal Forge Unit passed away 11-10-21
February 2019
John Phillips - Woodbridge Unit.
May, 2015
Dewel (Dick) Hogan – Atlas Retiree
Versey Williams – Atlas Retiree
Jimmy Dean Cowley, Jr., brother of RSDC Unit member Lisa Flanders, passed away on February 17, 2015. Our condolences to family and friends.
Carl Joseph Fox, IMPCO retiree, passed away on 1-20-2015
Jason A. Field, Bridgewater Unit member, passed away on 1-23-2015
Maxine E. Mills, mother of Local 724 Financial Secretary Debra Mills, passed away on 1-25-2015
Retiree Christopher Arthur Hayward (retired from Atlas) passed away January 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Florida.
William Douglas "Doug" Barker passed away Oct., 6, 2012. He worked at Dakkota.

David E. Marchant of Dimondale Age 75, passed away on July 16, 2012. Dave spent 27 years working for Melling Drop Forge. Dave served on the Local 724 Election Committee.
Updated On: Jun 19, 2012 (11:17:00) We are sad to report the sudden passing of Al Snauko, a Local 724 member at the Bharat Forge Unit. Our condolences to his family, friends, and fellow union members. Thank you to Scott Kazmerski, unit chair at Bharat Forge, for this information.
Carolyn Evans passed away on July 4, 2010. She was presently employed at Bridgewater Interiors and formerly employed at Labor Source (Heritage)-Delphi. She was a member of UAW Local 724 for the past 10 years.