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Lansing Labor News
Established 1945
September 19, 2024
Action Center
Financial Secretary Gariel Cabrera Archive
Nov 30, 2020

December 2021

I hope these stories by our fellow brothers and sisters find you in good health. Both physically and mentally. Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays!
As much as we have endured these past two years, I am pretty sure we should all find ourselves on the “nice” list. One day soon we can look back and see everything we had to go though as a memory on our timeline, story, tweet, or what have you. As for now, we should continue to do what is right and keep everyone around us and the ones we love protected and seek out vaccine clinics.
Here at Local 724, we have out up our Holiday “Tree-of-Warmth” and invite any and all who can to donate hats and gloves that will be turned over to a local venue to be distributed to those in need.
Enjoy the holidays with your loved ones and all of the sights and sounds that comes along with this magical season.
Hope to see everyone happy and healthy in 2022.

May 2021

It is that time of the year to enjoy this beautiful weather our great state of Michigan decides to give us. I hope these stories by our fellow brothers and sisters find you in good health. Both physically and mentally.

Although we are moving closer to being able to enjoy our life the way we were before this pandemic struck, I remind you to still take precautions and keep yourself and others protected against one another.

As of now, we are just over 55% of Michigan vaccinated and are getting started with Step 1 of the Governor Whitmer’s “Back to Normal” schedule. I myself have gotten both doses of the covid vaccine and urge everyone to do their part and help us complete these steps to get back to normalcy.

Here is a link to keep track of the progress:,9753,7-406-98178_103214-547150--,00.html

I hope this summer brings everyone lots of fun and good memories with family and friends! Be safe, and enjoy your summer!

December 2020

Season’s Greetings to all my UAW Sisters and Brothers

It is that time of year we all feel that extra joy the season can bring. Minus the amazing weather conditions we have to look forward to!

This year has absolutely been one for the books. With the situation we are facing during this difficult year, we can all be blessed that we have come so far in these trying times. I, for one, am always happy to hear from and see who I can during this pandemic. Technology definitely helps us stay in contact with our loved ones.

As testing continues to keep going, I truly hope we can combat this virus and come up with a solution as to how we can beat it. I urge everyone to do their part and mask-up. As difficult as it may seem to wear one, the consequences of not doing so are far worse.

Online shopping and curbside pickup are best to consider when shopping this holiday season. Staying safe at home and still being able to spread cheer amongst your loved ones should help lighten the blow of our current emergency orders.

Although we have to stay home, this can give us time to spend with our family and digging into some fun activities that does not allow you to leave the comforts of your home. I have found a link to fun activities and crafts that can help the time pass during this period of time things are shut down.

I hope everyone has a great holiday season and stay as safe as ever so we can have a better and open year next year!


In Solidarity,

September 2020

Let me introduce myself. My name is Gabriel Cabrera and I’m the newly elected Financial Secretary here at Local 724. I have been a proud UAW member and have been with our Dakkota unit for 14 years before accepting my newly elected position here at our local office. There is a lot to learn as I go along and there will always be bumps and obstacles along the way. I look forward to learning everything I can and to be an outstanding Financial Secretary and a strong asset to Local 724.

I have also had the honor of being nominated and the great pleasure of accepting the position of Recording Secretary of The Local Labor News.

In these difficult times with what challenge our world is facing, it’s always great to know that our Union comes together and holds strong.

I am hoping everyone has a way or finds a way to go vote and help get back on the right track. Our brothers and sisters both in our union and our country deserve a better day every day and with everyone’s vote, we can make it happen. You’re vote matters!

If you need help finding where to vote should you be voting in person, use the link provided below

Covid-19 sure has taken its toll on the world. Our best defense is to do our part. Get tested and be sure to mask up.

If you feel you may have come in contact and want to get tested. Or, if you would like to get tested. Here is a link to help you find a testing site near you.,9753,7-406-99891_99912-531745--,00.html

I look forward to being part of the local labor news board and to continue serving my UAW family. Stay safe everyone!

In Solidarity

Lansing Labor News
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